Measuring happiness
As sometimes happens, I wanted to answer a question on Twitter but couldn’t do it justice in 140 characters. The question was this: @andykelk @auxesis …
Using the Westrum typology to measure culture
Having a culture of collaboration where people feel safe to share their views and work across a diverse group is a must for a successful organisation. …
Why all the Jira hate? I'll tell you why
I’ve recently retweeted a few tweets which weren’t exactly complimentary about Jira. For example: Plenty of good things happened at work today. And …
The power of coffee
Reading this article recently, an interesting theory about coffee was raised: The time of day people drink their coffee varies with Sydney waking up …
Building a learning culture on a budget
This is a paraphrasing of a talk given at the 2015 CTO Summits in Melbourne and Sydney. Think about the last day you spent at work. What did you …
Date for your Diary: CTO Summits in Sydney & Melbourne
Coming up soon are this year’s Sydney and Melbourne CTO Summits presented by Yow and Wheelhouse. My topic is on “Building a learning culture on a …
Blameless Postmortems
This is a paraphrasing of a lightning talk I gave at our internal DevOps conference on Blameless Postmortems. Due to the nature of the format, it’s …
Get rid of all the managers
This is a paraphrasing of my talk from Ignite Sydney. The five minute format means this is necessarily lacking in detail! Are you happy at work? …
Consumer-driven contracts with Pact and PHP
This post is a paraphrasing of a talk I gave at the Sydney PHP group. First up, let’s talk about architectures that rely on services. Whether you call …